What Comes Next After the Passage of SICAA?

What Comes Next After the Passage of SICAA?

The passage of the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act (SICAA) is a monumental victory for survivors and advocates. However, while this legislation lays the groundwork for meaningful change, it is just the beginning. SICAA mandates a comprehensive study to evaluate...
A Historic Victory: The Passage of SICAA

A Historic Victory: The Passage of SICAA

The Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act has officially passed Congress This monumental moment marks an unprecedented milestone in the fight to protect children and end systemic abuse in youth residential programs. This landmark legislation—championed by survivors,...


A Campaign Exposing the Dangers of Aversive Shock Conditioning and Supporting Legislative Action Introduction: The ICAPA Network is proud to support the #StopTheShock campaign, which aims to raise public awareness about the detrimental effects of aversive conditioning...

A Troubled Industry

Struggling teens and their families, desperate for help, find themselves trapped in a shadowy industry that cons parents and abuses children. With a mental health crisis and lack of adequate services available, the Troubled Teen Industry has found an opportunity...